Benefits of clay by a member: stronger teeth, bones. Calmer, sleeping more deeply. So, nerves more settled.
Baths. I took a bath today, with Epsom salts, Terramin clay, and 1/4 cup raw milk. It wasn’t as hot as I’d like, but it was warm, and I figured it would help pull out whatever has lately been making me sweat like crazy. I’m not allowed yet to take a hot bath, just nicely warm.
Now, the Baths Aajonus recommended are hot—101 degrees minimum, up to 105 degrees. And you are supposed to stay in for 40 minutes to 90 minutes. I was told to used 3 T clay, 3 T sea salt, and 3T raw apple cider vinegar. Other people were told to use milk. These additives clean the water of chemicals, and condition the skin. The salt and clay draw out and detoxify your own chemicals.
The heat of 101 degrees for 40 to 90 minutes melts the hardened cooked fats that are lodged in your lymph system, and the pineapple, coconut cream, butter and cream you eat while In the bath help loosen it and sweep it away. All the detoxification you do needs to pass thru the lymph system to get out of your body. (I think lymph massage after such a bath could help too.) it’s best if you do the long version just before bed, because it depletes your energy— might be just your blood vessels are dilated. Drink mineral water and the raw sports drink, or at least milk too, for the electrolytes and water. You’ll be sweating and you won’t even know it.
These Baths are amazing, and you feel much better after one if you feel like you have a cold or other detox symptoms ( flu, fever, etc.) It also helps you get rid of excess body fat, if it just won’t go away with decreasing your calories.
I did a great job of detox with berries and papaya smoothies, but it was stuck in my body until I resumed the Baths. Daily or at least three times a week.
All the long term Primal Dieters do the Baths at least twice a week, up to daily when they feel the need.
Have a great week all!
Marilyn At Ra