Dear Members,
Wow, time can slip by!!
So, if it has been slipping by for you, best you ORDER NOW! Like I am going to do!!
Pickup days are May 13 and 14, the year 2017!! (Just so we are clear!)
In spite of the very interesting things I’m doing that I think even Aajonus would like, the food is still at the very heart of health. Right behind correct thinking. That is still paramount.
And, yet, the correct food helps with correct thinking!!
Action is the ideal place for a human being to operate. Action, doing, creating and making things, getting things done, dancing, walking, running, not having time for any body foolishness. There are stories of people just never getting sick because they don’t let it happen, they are too needed, busy, whatever. This can be taken to extreme, of course, and one can run oneself into the ground by not eating well, not sleeping, not getting exercise.
I’m talking about where the second wind comes from. Where does that energy come from? How can someone who has exhausted themselves running suddenly keep going, with no apparent limit? These people do not have muscle wasting or weird physiology reported. They just keep going until they decide to stop, or cannot believe it anymore. Then they stop. How about the guy who lifts an entire car off of his friend when the jack collapses? No muscle strains, or ripped tendons, or even soreness.
Mind over matter. It happens all the time. All day long. Your mind directs your body, and if you have negative thoughts, dwell on incorrect function, or have hidden thoughts in your mind that are put in charge of body function when you are down in the dumps, that is what you will get. To be in perfect health, it starts with perfect thought. Believe that you can create the perfect body, that the body can heal itself with the correct food. Believe that you are what you think. If you think of your body in its perfect state, and move and act as you do when it is in a perfect state, it will be that.
To the extent that you are able to do this, you will be living with perfect health. Now, there is an interesting thing that goes on here, because once you decide your body is perfect, then you have to move into action, and do the things that come to you to do. I again recommend Wallace D. Wattles and The Science of Getting Well ( for the free audio download, or kindle 99 cent for all his books together) in assisting you to think and eat correctly for a healthy body.
You cannot think a healthy body and then do things that you believe are not healthy. Your action has to follow your belief. You have to live your belief. And, in my case, I have to listen to things that come my way that make sense to help, evaluate them against my beliefs and what I have learned from doing the Primal Diet for the last 10 to 12 years. As do you, each one of you.
You have to listen to your inner guidance system, and get counseling, read, study if you have ANY doubt or questions. Do what feels right, and look at the statistics of those you listen to. Look, don’t listen. Are they healthy? Are they getting better? Are they doing what they say?
Do not act from fear. EVER. Only act after you have gotten to a space of peace or at least a readiness for right action. Always be ready to change if you find you were wrong. Do not continue with something just because you said you would. Really evaluate your course, and don’t stop because of a detox. Really know what you are up against. Things like cancer are going to make one sick, throw up, feel like crap at times no matter what method you use. You are going to have some heavy detox. But you should have researched that thoroughly and know this, be prepared, and recognize the upsides and downsides of any path you are choosing.
Not everyone makes it. Some people just don’t have enough fat to get through. Some have toxicity their body just is too far gone to survive without help. Sometimes getting a tumor removed is the best action. Rarely, but sometimes. I have learned a lot about the options open in Europe that we don’t have in the US. Please contact me if you have something like cancer. Remember that it is not a foreign object. It is your own cells that are trying to handle something, and are always reacting not only to toxicity, but emotional loss. So are heart problems.
Actually, all sickness and incorrect function is a result of suppression, allowing yourself to take on someone else’s viewpoint or ideas instead of your own in life. Every time you give in and do not be true to yourself ( I don’t mean refuse to be wrong), you withdraw from creating life the way you want it, and allow other forces to dictate what happens to you. If you stay true to yourself, you are aware of a car about to hit you before it happens, and you act correctly to avoid it. You notice the sharp knife in your hand. You recognize the slipperiness of the mud before you step on it, and you act on that knowledge and give it your full attention. You listen to your body and refuse to eat when it is not ready for food, but needs to detox. You reject the suggestions or demands of a friend or boss that you do something you know is not okay. You listen to your intuition, you act instead of thinking about your great idea, and you kiss that girl.
If you are proof against what others say, you will never get sick or have any body problems, accidents or anything bad happen. You will get what you want in life, as long as it is also beneficial to all others, and does not suppress anyone else, or keep them from getting what they want in life. (Listen to Wattles for more understanding on how this works.)
We intend to keep growing our group for the very good reason that with numbers comes power to change things. What we want is beneficial for all involved, and flies in the face of those who would profit at other’s expense. It takes numbers and solidarity to counter others who have numbers and power.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke
Keep eating good clean healthy food, keep your thoughts positive and at least cheerful, preferably in exhilaration and joy, and live well.
Healthfully yours,
Marilyn at RA