We will have some fruits and Vegetables this coming weekend at the pickup point, as we used to do in the past. Some of us want produce, so we are getting it and invite you to share in the goods and expense.
Starting the weekend of June 24, we will have a few more extras, as we have more new people coming in and need to have some food on hand for them as they wait for their first order, and to be examples for them of what is available.
Marilyn’s Musings
Budapest was beautiful. Buda is the part of the city on the west side of the Duma (The Danube) as it travels south through the city, and Pest is the more modern and spread out half of the city to the east. It is on a broad plain, while Buda, or Obuda (old Buda) is more hilly, with the nicer homes, older buildings. That in itself is a bit misleading, because it turns out that most of the old buildings were destroyed in the more recent wars, and had to be rebuilt. They do that a lot: rebuilding castles and whatever so that they can keep their heritage. In the east there are some original castles, because the Turks never got that far.
Hungary was communist as recently as 30 years ago, more or less. I hadn’t realized, but it does affect the behavior of people, I think. People do not speak to strangers as a rule, and do not try to have a social face. They act as if they don’t think anyone will look. They are friendly if they have a reason to be, like you live in their apartment, or with people they obviously know. They have Public Displays of Affection pretty freely, and I gather that they wear as little as possible when it is hot in the summer. They wear very form fitting clothing all the time, and are quite meticulous in their dress, matching colors, shoes, etc. Every woman wears a necklace, and business people are quite dressy, suits, etc.
They have no social security or government assistance as far as I understood. You have to work to eat!
The children and dogs are quiet. Literally. In two months I heard maybe three children cry, two of whom were being put in car seats, and the other was a real anomaly, in a small open shopping area off to the side, and the other people walking were slowing and looking like they were going to go find out what was wrong.
People do not take their children out when they are tired or hungry, they never yell at them or each other (in public), they listen to the children, and they don’t have to hang onto them as they walk. They children seem very happy and attentive to their parents.
They dogs are the same! They ignore strangers and most other dogs, pay attention to their owners, can be let off leash and obey, are never yelled at or jerked by the lead, have to wear a muzzle on the train or bus, but are welcome. I saw maybe a 5 dogs (3 at one time) over a two month period that barked at another dog, and one barked at us because she was concerned about her person. The people seem to like their dogs, and are very gentle. I saw one puppy, and he was also very easily stopped and asked to sit.
And the feral cats are all friendly!! There were not many cats on the streets, very few, but the few we saw were being fed by someone who knew they were not ‘owned’. They would come over and get petted if I stopped and talked to them. They were small too.
It was a little horrifying to come home and see someone berating their child on the sidewalk as I was coming back from the airport.
The buildings are amazing, and the big famous ones are lit up at night. So awesome to come around a corner and see this amazing building! There are statues everywhere, on buildings, an entire plaza for heros, lots of horses, some saints. Fresh bread everywhere, and it is different than here.
We found an organic farmer’s market on Saturday mornings, and I had to get up at 5 am to get the tram and get there befire 6:30am to get the goat milk and butter before it was all gone! I also got buffalo milk and meat (different than our bison). Vegies for juice. Raw cheese not available, just some soft goat cheese, raw butter not available all the time.
Lots of gluten free, sugar free, etc free desserts all around. Lots of different eateries, from a little counter in a small closet off the street to a bakery , to small sti-downs, to big restaurants. Lots of meat dishes, lots of pork, with duck, vension at the restaurants. Vegetarian to most of them is Salmon, some have cheese. Just vegetable dishes are just not to be had, unless it is an Asian in Indian eatery.
Hungary is on a very thin part of the crust of the earth, and has lots of hot springs and baths. Some are famous. There are also mineral springs.
The Kaqun baths are not thermal, but the water is from a spring, purified and structured with oxygen, and heated to body temperature, which feels nice and hot. The amazing thing is that the water does not lose its heat, nor does it wrinkle your skin!! When you drink it, it gives you oxygen, but it does not count as water. You have to drink water separately too.
One of the most amazing success stories I heard was the saving of a foot that had been completely black. This diabetic person was going to lose his foot. They soaked him in the oxygen baths and a yellow streak formed, then it spread, then it turned red and spread. The foot regained normal color, and is still normal three years later!!!
I met numerous people who survived cancer due to these baths. More than a few who survived chemotherapy because of the baths!
We have some in Las Vegas, and are scheduled get a set in Los Angeles in January of 2018!
I did 3 baths a day, one hour on, two hours off, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm for 14 days in a row, 10 days off, and 14 days in a row again. At that point I retested, and found that my cell oxygen and energy levels had risen from below normal to low normal. I was now ready to make some gains!
I did the baths for one more round, and did not get tired like I did the first two rounds. I felt more energized and came home! I wish I could report that my heart was back in rhythm again, but apparently it is not due to lack of oxygen. I know that mercury affects it, as I did chelation many years ago, and that handled it temporarily. The magnesium is supposed to kick mercury out, so I just have to eat things that will absorb the mercury and help It out of my body. Right now I think it is coming out of my kidneys, because they are having some filtration issues. . . it’s always something!!! Mercury can damage cells as you are eliminating it, so you have to do it slowly, or have something that grabs it in your system—eat something that encourages glutathione production in your body!
I am definintely doing better, just trying to get back to a normal routine after detoxing and focusing on the body for two months!!
I’ll keep you informed as to when there will be a talk on the baths. Meanwhile, check out www.kaqun.com.
Any questions? I’d love to answer some in my newsletter/blog!
Marilyn at RA