Here’s a recipe rich with prebiotic fructooligsaccharides that feed your “gut buddies” and help heal your gut. Tasty and comfort food too!

“Raw Mushroom Soup”
2 large handfuls of mushrooms with stems, approx 2 1/2 cups
1 cup water
1/2 cup raw walnuts, best (or 1/4 cup almond butter or 1/4 cup hemp seed hearts)
3 Tablespoons Chopped red onion (1 T dried minced onion)
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon cracked black pepper
2 sprigs fresh thyme leaves or 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1 tablespoon truffle oil (optional)

Keep 1/2 cup mushrooms by, chopped to top it.
Put the rest in a high speed blender or food processor fitted with the S blade.
Pulse for thirty seconds, then blend for 2 minutes. If you want it hotter, blend longer.
Pour into two bowls and top with chopped mushrooms. Drizzle with truffle oil if you like, and serve.

I made this without the water ( probably want to add some, I haven’t tried that yet) and added an avocado and juice of a large lemon.

Did not heat it much, just blended it. Barely. I ate it with lettuce leaves, (and a few cassava and coconut chips as a kind of cheat, raw-wise). Both are good for your bacteria.

I did a salad and chicken and fish (4 oz each for two meals), some herbal extracts to starve out the bad bacteria and candida I was suspecting was causing me some problems. Now I’m repopulating my gut by feeding the hold-outs lots of mushrooms!!! Avocado, one a day or more, Jicama, celery root, green banana, green mango, green papaya, like not sweet, and resistant starches from radicchio, Belgian endive, Jerusalem Artichokes (sunchokes), onions and garlic. Leafy greens and the pulp of fruits. No juice. Persimmons, figs and dates. Sweet potatoes or yams, which you can blend raw into smoothies. Pretty much any greens.
Macadamia nuts are on the top of the list, then walnuts, pistachios, pecans, and more. 1/2 cup per day. Coconut !!! As Cream or milk too.
Raw Apple cider Vinegar and lemon juice are good too!

If you are cooking you can add okra and artichokes, insulin and yacón (non-sugar sweeteners), plantains, parsnips, turnips, and resistant starch flours: cassava root, coconut, nut flours (good for raw recipes too), tapioca, green banana. Pretty much any cruciferous veggies, like broccoli and cauliflower.

No grains of any kind. Use the above flours. You can pressure cook some things, like Basmati rice and quinoa, and beans, but no wheat or family members can be fixed even with pressure cooking. This is the Gundry Diet (Dr Steven Gundry), if you are interested in following up. He has free downloadable food lists, and a lot of data on the website. The books are great, one is recipes. If you cook, you should check it out.

Avocado oil, perilla oil, macadamia nut oil, good olive oil, coconut oil, especially the MCT oil.

Chocolate is on it, just not a lot, and 72% or higher. Cocoa nibs. Yeah.

And red meat comes back in, as well as A2 dairy (or goat, sheep, which are naturally fine), mostly as cheese and yogurt, kefir, to eat up the sugar and add good probiotics to your life!

Let the good times roll!

Get good food, with meats and milks that are the not fed grains. Or verrry little! As a treat.

Healthfully Yours,
Marilyn At Ra