I’m really happy that we are again getting our focus really honed in on being a membership club, having a herd lease, and really adhering to the guidelines that will keep us being able to continue having great food and keeping our farm and farmer going strong.

When it seems we must watch our pennies, the importance of supporting a group like ours can take second place. I want to remind you, that while I totally support local farmers, and continue to check them out as a source for us, there is a reason we chose the farm we did. All or most of us were eating well, eating organic, and really doing our best to stay healthy (with supplements, special treatments) when we turned to Aajonus because it was not working. Not only did he have great insight as to what to eat for what, but he was the one that found out that good food was not enough. He found that it had to be raised and handled the way it was before we became an industrial society. That little bit of edge turns out to be not so little, and is the difference between barely making it or not making it, and becoming well. I personally cannot put a price on that, and our milk is cheaper than the local milk!

I know we have lost some members to ill health, but honestly, all the ones I knew, except one, were also eating other things. Only one was hard core, almost to the extreme, and she had a heavy toxic load and tended to detox quickly. This was good in some ways, but when you are really detoxing, it can be hard to recognize what you need, what is causing the symptoms you have. We sometimes need an outside viewpoint of someone who knows body symptoms and what causes them. Too many medical people don’t know, so you really have to be willing to search out knowledgeable alternative doctors/chiropractors/NDs. When you are overtaxing certain organs, like the adrenals, or thyroid, it can be life threatening, and you need to recognize that and handle that right away so that you can shift what you are doing overall, primarily following Aajonus’ recommendations, be it something like slowing or stopping the detox, helping open up the colon to relieve itching, or just eating tons of pineapple and papaya with raw fats.

We all need to keep re-reading the book We Want To Live, the Primal Diet, and the Recipe for Living. I re-read it once a year, and I am always amazed at what I have forgotten to apply, or never noticed before. Listening to the lectures and reading the newsletters Aajonus wrote is also very good for focusing your awareness on your body, and what it might need. We all have to listen to our bodies, see what it is asking for or needing. Sometimes it is a lot of water! Sometimes some of us need some clean sea salt. Sometimes you need to eat a lot of fruit, even if it makes you emotional. Just eat a lot of fat with it, always.

Aajonus wanted us to grow up and learn to feed ourselves. There is nothing wrong with discussing what we know, sharing what we heard worked for something. Like eating raw fish to help you sleep! Sometimes we drop something out because it is too time consuming, like the baths, or juice because you don’t want to make it every day. But having a regular reading or listening time can bring that to your attention, and you can recognize that, “Oh! That’s why I’m getting congested! I haven’t had baths and cleaned out my lymph system for months!! I really need to do that again!” Some of you haven’t even heard of some of the major breakthroughs that happened after the book was written, like eating cheese every 15 minutes when you have been exposed to toxicity or are really detoxing a lot.

I really want to get across to you how different it can be to be 100% on the diet, with the clean food you KNOW is clean, not hoping is what it says at the grocery. I was amazed at how differently my body acted when I went 100%, with the Amish milk, clean eggs and free-range fresh bison. I’m not saying everyone has to do this all the time, period or you will not improve. It is just worth it to experience what the body can truly do to heal and cleanse. We are still brainwashed to believe that the body is a bit broken, and only supplements and medicine can overcome that. A truly clean and properly fed body can fix anything, provided you also have your mind right. (You have to be willing to get well, not have any hidden decisions to leave, get out of your current problems, or be a victim.) You have to experience it to really understand what I am saying. It is different, having your body target certain areas of the body and start detoxing just that, or having your stomach throw up just the mucus in your stomach after you ate or drank, but not throw up the food. To have your joints loosen up, pains in your feet start and then go away for good, flexibility return, energy return.

And now, after 20 years of having an extra 20 pounds and not being able to let it go no matter what, the fat has just melted off, with no blood sugar problems, no cravings for sweets or cooked food, and no effort. I got my mind right and started creating my body the way I wanted it, and ate only when I was truly hungry. I ate cheese first thing, then juice; but then I would not be hungry until 12 pm or 1 pm, or sometimes later! I ate something raw, only until I was not hungry, not full. I usually drank water first, to be sure it was not just thirst. Gerolsteiner or water with Terramin clay in it primarily. Many times that is all I needed. It is basically the weight loss diet, although Aajonus told me to eat plain eggs, and lots of them for my weight loss.

I still have plenty of fat to keep from having problems, but I can move more easily, and am happier with how I feel. Aajonus always did want me to lose weight. It just took 9 years to clean out enough to do it. And eating lots of raw fat. That was the turning point for me!

Cooked food bloats me, makes me hungry, and makes me feel not satisfied.

And now, four clothing sizes smaller, I am getting hungry again, after about two months of very little food. So, I am eating more, but again, just until I am not hungry.

I don’t know if you got the memo, but enzymes are EVERYTHING. They are the key to health, life, longevity, and a correctly working body. Every higher life form is supposed to be eating live food, full of enzymes, vitamins, and accessible minerals. Even scavengers. Cooked food just didn’t exist!! Except after forest fires.

Stay aware, awake, and listening to your body, your emotional level, your alertness and clarity of thinking. Notice or even write down when you change something, eat something or do something different, and notice what changes in your body. You DO create your body every day, every minute, every second of every day. Keep what you want in mind, and notice, so you can change something that did not contribute to what you want, but do not dwell on things that are not what you want. Just picture or feel them the way you want, and do the things that you KNOW will contribute to that, letting the past fall away and be the past. You are not there anymore. Make what you want in the present and future.
Marilyn at RA